The Rite Journey 2022

Transforming Today's Teens

For over 20 years The Rite Journey has been providing unique educational programs to support the development of self-aware, responsible, respectful, resilient and resourceful adults.

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Our LCS Context

How does the Rite Journey embody the values and beliefs of our Christian Perspective?

Our school has a commitment to 5 core values:

  • To live in obedience to God
  • To act with humility, integrity and fairness
  • To work with creativity and diligence
  • To encourage participation and teamwork
  • To be trustworthy and accountable to each other

Voices from community

‘Under the right circumstances boys (kids) can be relied upon to step up and be counted, and having duties and responsibilities to perform, is one way of providing for the right circumstance to foster the sense of purpose that comes from serving others.’

Mr. Terry Lake – Teacher and Father

More thoughts from LCS community

More about TRJ

The Rite Journey


TRJ Mentoring


Introducing a program like this leads to many questions from student and their parents.

Here, you can read some of the questions commonly asked by parents and our responses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please direct any additional questions you might have to the TRJ and Year 9 Coordinator, or Head of Secondary School.

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