The Board 2023

Life With Us

Board & Association

The Launceston Christian School is operated by the Association for 'Launceston Christian School (Inc.)'

The LCS Board’s role involves governance of the school. They commit to ensuring the centrality of the hope of Jesus Christ in all that they do and that this worldview is embedded in every area of the school.

The Board of Directors is taken from Association Members and are elected as needed, on three yearly terms at a yearly AGM.

2024 LCS Board members:

Executive Chairman: Mrs Margaret Dingemanse
Mr Andrew Goelst
Mrs Kristy Lade
Mr Gerry Geskus
Mr Mike Lichtendonk, Mr Sam Loef, Mr Peter Morgan, Mr Sam Thiele and Mrs Lois Kidmas
Ex-Officio (Principal):
Mr Stuart Kent

Membership of the Association is not automatic if you have children at the school, however the procedure to become a member is relatively simple.

To be considered for Association Membership, please contact our office for an Association Pack or download a copy below. There are four creeds referred to in the Association Membership Pack and these can also be downloaded below.

Once this is returned, a LCS Board Member will contact you to arrange an interview where your Christian faith, beliefs and doctrine will be discussed. Current LCS Board Members then receive a recommendation regarding membership.

We'd love you to consider joining our school Association.

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2024 Association Morning Tea 

In May this year, members of our Association gathered for a special morning tea, honouring the vision and dedication of our Founders. As we reflected on the solid foundation they laid, we are reminded of the Bible verse, "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:11)

It was a joy to visit our new student support hub, 464, which was officially dedicated the followind day.

Together, we can build upon the strong foundation that has been laid before us and continue to make a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

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Your Name