Senior School Open Morning

For Students in Year 10 Moving to Year 11/12 in 2023

14 June 2022 at 9:30am

Senior School

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The Senior School Open Morning is an opportunity for interested parties to meet teachers and students from LCS and have a tour of the school facilities.

We will start in the Senior School block to briefly welcome everyone to the school and talk about Senior School life at LCS.

Then we will take a tour of the school and look in on some Senior classes in progress. We will finish the hour together with some informal Q&A over morning tea.

Please RSVP to Mrs Keryl Robinson on 63272845 or or use the form below.

RSVP for Senior School Open Morning

Your Name
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Welcome to Senior School at LCS

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind” – The Apostle Paul, Romans Chapter 12 verse 2

This passage of Scripture highlights the challenge set before our young people as they go through adolescence and emerge as adults in an ever-changing world. At LCS we want to challenge conformity to the pattern of this broken world and instead be transformed by the mercy we have received in Christ who died on a cross for our sins and rose from the dead to bring us to God.

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LCS provides a wide range of subjects for Senior students.

In year 10 the emphasis is on consolidation in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy while offering students specialised subjects in optional areas. Students choose 3 optional subjects each semester which can include Robotics, Drama, Food Studies, Visual Art, Music, Audio Design, Life Science Extended, Humour & Satire and Small Business. LCS also has a Life Skills program for year 10 students who have a disability and need a modified curriculum that focuses on skills needed for independence and employment.

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In year 11 & 12, subjects are chosen for future pathways and LCS offers an extensive range of courses accredited by the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification Authority (TASC). LCS is also part of a cooperative arrangement with St Patrick's College, Launceston Church Grammar and Scotch Oakburn College. Students wishing to study subjects that are not offered at LCS may study at one of the other schools if subject lines match up.

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Students wishing to study VET courses (Vocational, Education and Training) are part of the St Patrick's College VET program.

Participation in sport is encouraged, not only through weekly PE lessons for year 10 students but also in lunchtime activities, school carnivals and interschool sport.