Eden Project

We are growing!

Primary School

LCS 02

This week some students in Year 4 had their first shovel in the school garden! The Eden Project has outgrown its designated vegetable and sensory garden beds, and we are starting to work jointly with Mr Van Donselaar and Mrs Rixon to bless and beautify our outdoor school spaces.

Some students planted olive trees in large pots near the school entrance. We chose olive trees because they feature in the Bible, and we plan to grow more biblical plants so that when we read about them, we can see, touch, and smell them in the school grounds.

Another group of students mulched the front garden bed near reception. They worked hard as a group, unloading a trailer of mulch and distributing it in 20 minutes! We talked about how long it would take one person to do the same amount of work, using our knowledge of multiplication and time. Students also learnt about why mulch helps our gardens: locking in moisture and warmth and preventing weeds.

Keep watch around the school for the transformation of more garden spaces!

Mrs Eliza Lovelock - Junior School Resource Teacher